Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Handwritten Holy Quran 1097 Hijri

Detail of Holy Quran 1097 Hijri
This beautiful Handwritten Quran was written by a very famous Muslim scholar Hafiz Usman.  Hafiz Usman was a very well known scholar of that era.  He wrote this Quran in 1097 Hijri, which makes it 333 years old. 
            Calligraphy style of this Holy is very unique.  There is a unique mix of Khat e Naskh, Khat e Thuluth and Khat e Rihan in this book
            Translation is done in Persian (Farsi). Tafseer (interpretation) is written in Persian and Arabic on every single page. 
            This Quran is in good condition and complete.  The name of the writer and the date of completion is written on the very last page of this Holy Quran.

Dimensions:    25 cm X 18 cm X 06 cm

Handwritten Holy Quran Decorated with Blue Marble and Gold
This handwritten holy Quran is written in very old Arabic calligraphy style. Two pages of this holy Quran are decorated with blue marble and gold. The name of the writer and date of completion is not written any where of book. But its condition shows that it is absolutely centuries old.The holy Quran is in good condition and complete without missing of any page.

Details of Handwritten Holy Quran 1020 Hijri Khate Bihar

   First two pages and last two pages of this handwritten holy Quran are decorated with "Gold Water" and "Blue Colored Marble". This handwritten holy Quran was written in 1020 Hijri it makes almost 410 years old. And  this holy Quran is written in "Khate Bihar".

                   There is no singe of  "Aayah" and the name of Allah is written with red in the whole Quran .This handwritten holy Quran was written by a very famous Muslim scholar "Ibrahim" he was very well known calligrapher of holy Quran of his era.

                  The name of the writer and the date of completion is written at the very last page of book by the own hands of the writer. The holy Quran is complete without missing any page and in a good condition.

Dimension:            27 CM x 18 CM x 06 CM

How to Approach the Quran

The Quran is not like other books. Quran is Light.  Quran is Wisdom. Quran is Good News. Quran is Absolute Knowledge. Quran is Remembrance. Quran is your book brought to you by One who cares about you. The Author of this Book is not after your money. He is not after fame. And He has no axe to grind. He just wants you to be happy. He just wants you to be truthful. He wants you to be successful. 
And He just wants you to be the best you can be.
He says He made you and that He is your Lord. So before you make up your mind about Him,listen to what He has to say about Himself. He says He made everything in the Heavens and the Earth. This is the Author of the Quran and He is telling you He made you, single handedly, without help from anyone. He didn’t even ask for your permission. So you must agree with me that this Author is different. His claims and His wishes are different from other authors that we know. 
He says He is the One and only God you have got. He is the sole Designer of your Eyes. The Sole Designer of your Ears. Everything you have got is His. I want to guide you, says this Author. You need Me. Stop making excuses for yourself. This Message's function is to guide YOU, O Seeker of Truth, and bring you back to where you belong: Paradise and Eternal joy. 

Man is weak, he is hasty and forgetful. The Maker of Insan (the frail human that’s you) knows this, so, out of mercy for your frailty, He repeats Himself so you won't forget. After all, the whole point of this revelation is about saving you from your self and your forgetfulness.

While you read, remember, this is not a book that came down at one go, but a message that gradually descended over a period of 23 years to a society that was evolving from idol-worship and ignorance to true faith and Enlightenment. How this method of gradation works can be appreciated by looking at the way God dealt with the eradication of  intoxicants and gambling: 
Therefore, some understanding of the day’s events is inevitable if one is to get the full picture. So be patient, and while you keep a general perspective, never lose sight of the context of certain verses, i.e. verses relating to jihad, method of gradation leading to final prohibitions, and verses that relate to events taking place on the ground at any given point at the time of revelation. 
Keep in mind, Quran is its own best explainer, a question mark in one verse can be explained by another verse, so be patient until you come to that verse, and ask the Author to help you to grow in knowledge. After all the One you are trying to communicate with is the Author. So ask Him to guide you. There is no barrier between you and Him except the one you create, so step out of your confinement and listen, listen and again listen.
Everything that’s contained in this book is addressed to you, and the stories of previous generations that you will be reading are for your own benefit. The good news is for you to welcome and enjoy, and look forward to; The warnings and admonitions, and the failures are for you to avoid.
 And because He loves you so much, He has entrusted this gift to a most trustworthy Messenger' Muhammad Al Amin. And because He loves you and cares about you, He has protected this Message for you in its original language. 

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, please read with a humble and open heart.

    بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

    (In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful)

    ‘Holy Quran’ and ‘Holy Prophet’ in Islam

    In Christianity, there are terms such as Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and Holy Bible. Muslims do not have anything in Islam called as The Holy Quran and The Holy Prophet. Yet, the term Holy Quran and Holy Prophet is commonly and widely used. We have to use the right words to describe The Quran and Prophet Muhammad SAW according to The Quran itself and Hadith.

    Earlier in The Glorious Quran, Allah SWT says:

    The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). [Al-Quran 2:185]

    ‘Holy’ in Arabic means ‘muqaddas’ (مقدس). There is no verse in The Noble Quran or in Hadith that says ‘Al-Quranum-Muqaddas’ (The Holy Quran) and ‘Ar-Rasulan-Nabiyyam-Muqaddas’ (The Messenger, The Holy Prophet). Allah SWT shortly describes The Quran as:

    ‘Quranun-Karim’ (Noble Quran) [Al-Quran 56:77]

    ‘Al-Quranil-Majid’ (The Glorious Quran) [Al-Quran 50:1]

    ‘Al-Qurani-zi-Zikr’ (The Quran Full of Reminder) [Al-Quran 38:1]

    ‘Quranun-Mubin’ (Clear Quran) [Al-Quran 36:69]

    ‘Al-Quranil-Hakim’ (The Wise Quran) [Al-Quran 36:2]

    ‘Al-Quranal-‘Adzim’ (The Great Quran) [Al-Quran 15:87]

    Surah (Chapter) 47, titled Muhammad, second verse is translated as:

    And those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in what has been sent down upon Muhammad - and it is the truth from their Lord - He will remove from them their misdeeds and amend their condition. [Al-Quran 47:2]

    Short description of Prophet Muhammad SAW in The Noble Quran:

    ‘Ar-Rasulan-Nabiyyal-Umiyya’ (The Messenger, The Unlettered Prophet) [Al-Quran 7:157]

    ‘Khataman-Nabiyyina’ (Seal of The Prophets) [Al-Quran 33:40]

    ‘Ahmad’ (Highly Praised) [Al-Quran 61:6]

    ‘hakim’ (Judge) [Al-Quran 4:65, 24:51]

    ‘rasulin-karim’ (Noble Messenger) [Al-Quran 69:40]

    ‘raufur-rahim’ (Kind and Merciful) [Al-Quran 9:128]

    ‘Muhammadur-Rasulullah’ (Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah) [Al-Quran 48:29]

    ‘Abdullah’ (Slave of Allah) [Al-Quran 72:19]

    ‘muzakkirun’ (Reminder) [Al-Quran 88:21]

    ‘sirajan-muniran’ (Illuminating Lamp) [Al-Quran 33:46]

    ‘nazirun-mubin’ (Clear Warner) [Al-Quran 7:184]

    ‘basharun’ (Man) [Al-Quran 18:110]

    ‘rahmatal-lil’alamin’ (Mercy for all the worlds) [Al-Quran 21:107]

    ‘shahidan wa mubashiran wa naziran’ (Witness, Bearer of Glad Tidings and Warner) [Al-Quran 33:45]

    ‘nurun’ (Light) [Al-Quran 5:15]

    ‘burhanun’ (Convincing Proof) [Al-Quran 4:174]

    ‘uswatun hasanatun’ (Good Example) [Al-Quran 33:21]

    So if someone ask what is the holy book of a Muslim? Say it is The Noble Quran. This makes Al-Quran stands up in its own position. We do not have the authority to name it, call it or give it the title 'The Holy Quran' since Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW never used that term either.

    All good that is mentioned is from Allah SWT and all bad is from my own weaknesses. I apologize for any mistakes. Hope we can take sometime to ponder and ask more from an Imam or Ustadz regarding this issue. Please share with fellow Brothers and Sisters. May Allah SWT grant us understanding and guide us all. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

    Wallahu ‘Alam (Allah SWT Knows Best)
